Bothered by insects and bugs that creep, fly or just pry their way into your clean Orange County home during the sweltering days of August? First thing you need to do is call OC Junk Hauling to take away any fallen branches, yard waste, boxes, etc. that could be spawning or resting grounds from which bugs launch their assaults on your home. Then locate a florist!
That’s correct. If you don’t want your home to reek of pesticides, fungicides and pest strips, go all natural. Use flowers.
There is a compound found within many insect-repelling flowers. It is called pyrethrum. Warning, it is also toxic to pets, so keep them away or out of reach of your flowers. As with any outside source you introduce to your environment, please read all labels and instructions
Pyrethrum Nature’s Insecticide – Home and Garden
Pyrethrum products are available in a variety of product types for use in or around the home and garden.
But, today we’re not taking about sprays. Just the plants from which the repellant oils and sprays are derived.
The beauty of using flowers to be bug free is that they add color and “warmth” to your home. More so than three cans of bug spray on the kitchen or bathroom counter. And they are portable. Move them from the dining room to picnic table when dining outside.
Naturally if you’re suffering from an infestation, you’ll need to seek out a professional exterminator, but if it’s just a situation that the OC summer heat has driven unwanted creeping, wriggling, flying “guests” inside, consider a bouquet of Chrysanthemums, Geraniums, Marigolds or Petunias.
And don’t forget to call OC Junk Hauling. Why?
We are a bouquet of services. Call us at 949-424-9265.