We support our community with our junk hauling services


February is the month for love. And we at OC Junk Hauling love to give! And we love our community. While we are known for hauling away junk and unwanted items, many people don’t know or understand what happens to those items after they leave the home. A lot of people think that all the stuff we pick up goes directory to landfills. This is nothing close to what really happens.

OC Junk Hauling serves all of Orange county for hauling away junk and unwanted items from homes and offices. A big chuck of these items are donated to our local charities who use them or resell the items to raise money for their organizations or causes. These items include furniture, household items, dishes, clothes, books and more.

Our mission at OC Junk Hauling is to Donate, Recycle and Dispose and this is what we do. Some of the local charities we contribute to are:

Do you have something in your home that you no longer use? It’s hard sometimes to give up personal belongings but if you haven’t used something in years, it’s probably time to let go. There are so many organizations out there that depend on donations.

Call OC Junk Hauling and we might be able to help you turn your trash into another person’s treasure.
We will sort through your stuff, donate whatever we can and landfills are the very last resort.
