Snakes in the Grass, and Elsewhere on Your Property


Safety Information For Junk Removal Clients In Orange County

Alisa Viejo and other city offices in Orange County are reminding residents that annual snake season is from March to October. A little bit of caution will go a long way for peaceful co-existence. Having had more than our share of lifting a box or moving a pile of broken branches to find a snake hiding out from the hot sun, we can attest to that.

Snakes will most likely retreat if given room. Do not deliberately provoke or threaten.  If you see one, try to remember that.

At OC Junk Hauling, safety of our employees and our customers is very important. During these months we urge caution when moving anything that has been outside for a while; it could be housing a critter. Rattlesnakes are sensitive to temperature extremes and will adjust their behavior accordingly. For example, after they have chilled down during a cooler evening, you might find them warming up on a rock catching a few rays. But to prevent getting all toasty, they’ll soon enough move under rocks, wood piles, bushes and boxes on your lawn or in your garage if you leave it open.

Reportedly, a most effective option is what’s known as a “rattlesnake proof” fence. Solid or with mesh no larger than one-quarter inch. Make it at least three feet tall but be sure the bottom is buried several inches below the ground.

California Department of Fish & Wildlife Suggestions

  • Wear sturdy boots and loose-fitting long pants when walking through brushy, wild areas. Startled rattlesnakes may not rattle before striking defensively.
  • Children should not wear flip-flops while playing outdoors in snake country.
  • When hiking, stick to well-used trails. Avoid tall grass, weeds and heavy underbrush where snakes may hide during the day.
  • Do not step or put your hands where you cannot see. Step ON logs and rocks, never over them. Be especially careful when climbing rocks or gathering firewood. Check out stumps or logs before sitting down and shake out sleeping bags before use.
  • Never grab “sticks” or “branches” while swimming in lakes and rivers. Rattlesnakes can swim.
  • Be careful when stepping over doorsteps as well. Snakes like to crawl along the edge of buildings where they are protected on one side.
  • Never hike alone. Always have someone with you who can assist in an emergency.
  • Do not handle a freshly killed snake, as it can still inject venom.
  • Teach children early to respect snakes and to leave them alone.
    • Yes, #9 goes without saying but should be repeated all the same. And as for #8? Sounds like something out of a science fiction story. But apparently, it’s happened enough times for the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife to include it.

      If you’ve encountered a rattlesnake on your property or public area, call your community’s Animal Service Center. For example, Aliso Viejo is serviced by the Mission Viejo Animal Services Center, at 949-470-3045.

      Removing unwanted items from inside and outside your home can be tricky enough. Don’t take extra chances during snake season. OC Junk Hauling is a family owned junk removal business serving all communities in Orange County. We are not a franchise and our excellent Yelp reviews are a testament to the personal and customer-oriented service that we provide. Simply book a convenient appointment on-line or call us at (949) 424-9265. Once we know exactly what you want hauled away, we will give you a Free, No-obligation Estimate. Give OC Junk Hauling a call at +1 (949) 424-9265.


Fireworks, the 4th and Orange County


Celebrate Freedom From Junk In Orange County

July 4th is a few more weeks away. What are you plans? Watch fireworks displays on TV being broadcast from Washington DC or Boston? Attend the local big one in Laguna Beach? Or have you decided to hold the largest party in your city to show off your great skyline view of your community’s celebrations? If the last one, we have two bits of advice. Don’t set off any fireworks yourself. And call OC Junk Hailing ahead of time so we can come before and after to take away all the debris.

Fireworks are not a DIY project

Leave it to the professionals. Really, you’ve heard it before. You are hearing it now. You will hear it again (courtesy of the National Fire Protection Association)


  • In 2013, fireworks caused an estimated 15,600 reported fires in the U.S., including 1,400 structure fires, 200 vehicle fires, and 14,000 outside and other fires.
  • In 2014, U.S. hospital emergency rooms saw an estimated 10,500 people for fireworks-related injuries.
  • More than one-third (36%) of the fireworks injuries in 2014 were to hands or fingers. One in five (19%) were eye injuries. An additional 19% were to other parts of the head.

Don’t become a statistic.

Up close and personal

On the other hand, if you need to feel the power & see the lights as close as possible, then make sure you arrive as early as possible to the Laguna Beach Fireworks show. It is the premiere local hot event. The Laguna Beach fireworks display takes place in Heisler Park at Monument Point. In anticipation & preparation, the park will be closed at noon. The show begins at approximately 9pm.

Parking spaces will be difficult to find. Arrive early. On July 4th, the free trolley will be running on a modified schedule from 9:30am to 7pm.

Or you can hold your own cook out, family barbeque or dinner party; supply food & beverages and you’ll have no shortage of guests. But the more who show, the more you will need to pick up afterwards – and prior.

Yes, this is a reminder from your friends at OC Junk Hauling that clean up for a 4th of July party is not just something you do at the end. You will have tons (hopefully) of friends & family over. What do your front and back lawns look like? Are your guests walking through the garage? What does that look like? Do you have a visible representation of a “to do” it list of boxes, or could there be used sporting & exercise equipment detracting from the beauty of your lawn?

Give us a call to haul all that away before the part begins. And we can also come back the next day for the cups, bottles, plates, food, etc. from what we hope will be a successful Independence Day celebration. Your place again next year?


Landlords — What to do with Abandoned Tenant Property


Abandoned Tenant Property Cleanouts In Orange County


Most any landlord in Orange County will tell you that tenants are good people who stay, pay rent on time, and then move on. But some tenants, for reasons of their own doing or beyond their control, fall behind on rent, forcing the landlords to evict. And that is where OC Junk Hauling come in the door because tenants in a rush to get out usually abandon property.

There Are Rules

If the tenant has moved out of the rental unit and left behind personal property or belongings, California statutes say the landlord must first attempt to notify the tenant of the abandoned property. In fact, the landlord must give the tenant at least 15 days to reclaim property (18 days if the notice was mailed to the tenant).

If the tenant does respond within those 18 days, the landlord will be obligated to surrender the items to the tenant upon receiving a payment for storage (yes, the landlord, in California, can charge the tenant for the cost of storage of the property.).

Landlords are also required to allow the tenant reasonable time to move any large items such as furniture and appliances.

If the tenant does not claim the property, the landlord is free to dispose of it at the end of the notice period.

Be Ready to Move Forward

Frankly, in most cases, if it is a general piece of furniture like a chair, table, or bed, the former tenant didn’t want it anyway or didn’t feel it was worth the cost of paying to move it. As we offer a free no-obligation estimate, many a landlord in the past has called us in early in the process just to be ready to move when all legal obligations have been met.

Our service is essential to landlords who wish to re-rent ASAP to maximize revenues and minimize loss. Timeliness and quality of service is of paramount concern and is certainly provided by us. We offer same-day service 7 days a week, and all at a reasonable price! Our staff are prompt, professional, and courteous.

OC Junk Hauling is a fully insured, full-service junk removal and hauling company located in Orange County, California and is ready to serve you for all your hauling needs. We are responsible members of the community by staying committed to recycling or donating your unwanted junk and items whenever possible.

Call us today +1 (949) 424-9265 to schedule your no obligation appointment or for even faster service book online and save $30 off your order.


Garage Office, Yes It Is a Thing


Mary has just dropped the kids off at school and is going to the office. She heads back home, pulls into the driveway and enters her air-conditioned garage. Her garage office. Yes, it is a thing.

Whether you are self-employed or employed by an Orange County company that allows tele-commuting, a garage office will make perfect sense for you! And OC Junk Hauling stands ready at the beginning of such a project to help clear out what you don’t want or need in your garage right now.

Boxes. Boxes. Rusting bikes. Clunky exercise gear. More boxes, these with Christmas items. Anybody see a car in here? Doubt it; according to the National Association of Home Builders, 82% of homes have a garage that is at least a two-car garage, yet only 15% of people park their cars in them!

Wasted space. Not just physically but financially as well. Adding a home office or workspace in (or even above) the garage will boost a home’s value – and without the problems involved with altering the house floor plan.

Think of it. No distractions from kids or roommates, or the TV. And if you need to meet with co-workers or customers, in the garage office they needn’t have to deal with the cat jumping on their lap nor the dog trying to decide if he should bite their leg off.

Excited by the thought? So, what exactly can OC Junk Hauling take away now or after you do some interior work?

Construction materials: stucco, drywall materials, lumber materials, roofing materials, concrete, rock, brick, block, tile, remodeling debris, wood fencing, firewood, etc. We cannot accept any hazardous materials, including paint and oil.

Of course, before you start the project, it might be a good idea to consult with an architect. But if we could give you pieces of advice:

  • Wall sockets! No getting around modern day electronic devices needing to be charged up and running. Planning ahead can save you money. It is less expensive to put extra electrical lines in before the drywall is installed.
  • Lights! Garages usually have either no windows or something the size of a picture frame. Not much light. To make your office seems brighter, also consider painting what areas you can a bright color.
  • AC! We are in the OC and summer’s might get a bit tepid in the garage. If you can’t control the temperature from the house, then consider some type of cooling unit (air conditioners or fans).

It all begins when you book a convenient appointment on-line or call OC Junk Hauling at (949) 424-9265. We will send out our Removal Experts. Whether you book your job or just want a free estimate, we will give you a two-hour arrival window. Our friendly, uniformed service member will call you 30 minutes before arrival time.

OC Junk Hauling services the entire Orange County area including: Newport Beach, Irvine, Tustin, Mission Viejo, Aliso Viejo, San Juan Capistrano, and more.


Three Reasons to Avoid Doing Carpet Removal Yourself


Let us pull the rug out from under you. With your permission of course. For any number of reasons (and believe us, at OC Junk Hauling we have heard a lot), there comes a time when your carpet needs to be replaced. But as it is one piece of “furniture” that is really nailed down (glued or tack strips, actually) it doesn’t “remove” as easy as a refrigerator or armoire.

Carpet and padding

It is not as easy as it looks. Carpet padding is heavy (you forgot about the padding, didn’t you? We didn’t!) You’re cutting, pulling, rolling, and carrying for hours; get up to take it out of the home, then get down on your knees, tug and pull, and then get up again. It may look like it’s thin material, but hundreds of square feet of carpet and padding adds up.

And if carpet and padding have been soaked due to flooding, your arms will hurt a great deal.  But that isn’t the worst of it.

Pet Urine

Do you have a dog or cat? Did the previous owners have a pet? Didn’t think of that? That is why you need to call OC Junk Hauling. We’ve been doing this for years in Orange County homes. Pet urine seeps down into the carpet, padding, and sometimes the particle board beneath.

We don’t want to say much more but you get our drift. And when you lift the carpet, besides a less than favorable smell you may see some other, less “desirable” critters that have been attracted by the damp environment.


Lifting carpet, as we have said, puts a strain on your arms and legs. But before you can lift, you must cut. And cut. And cut. It is so easy for the inexperienced homeowner to cut oneself. Besides that being bad enough, remember you are doing it in an area that is damp and not the healthiest to showcase an open wound, large or small on your finger, hand or arm.

Heavy padding. Pet Urine. Cutting. Honestly, we would rather be removing nice compact, clean kitchen appliances. But if the carpet must go, give OC Junk Hauling a call at 949-424-9265. We feel our prices are reasonable. We’ll give you a free estimate and you can shop around. Then use us or someone else. Please don’t try it yourself.






More Construction + More Debris = More Need for OC Junk Hauling


Construction Debris Removal in Orange County

Orange County added 6,300 construction workers since February 2017, according to the Orange County Register (4/13/18). That’s the eighth-largest increase nationally. So much for So Cal. folks being laid back, sitting in the sun, taking it easy. But all that construction creates A LOT of debris.

Who ya gonna call?

Orange County’s family owned OC Junk Hauling Company has several heavy-duty dump trucks to take care of any construction debris hauling job, big or small. We have our own fancy equipment to load the haul of construction debris or if it’s not that much then we will load the construction debris by hand or wheelbarrow.

What do we take? What do you have?

Be it residential or commercial, new or renovation, we can help you get rid of unneeded / unwanted lumber, sheetrock, metal framing, sinks, cabinets, tub enclosures, toilets, etc. Most times we can even do the job in less than one day.

Construction debris/trash will be handed over to the proper landfill.

Recycle receipts will also be made available to contractors— we’ve worked with contractors enough to know that those things come in handy!

Testimonials from OC Junk Hauling Company customers, referrals and repeat business from contractors are the concrete evidences of long-standing trust in our services.

  • “We needed a company to come in and literally gut a house of filth and junk!! Ted was reliable, professional and very reasonable!! They came in and went thru the house in less than a day!! An amazing job! We highly recommend this company!” 5 Star Yelp review from Robyn P of Norco, CA
  • “Awesome job! I called to inquire about removing construction debris. Spoke to Ted and made an appointment for them to come out the next day for a free quote. He called when he was on the way and was right on time arriving. Gave me a fair quote, I accepted, and my yard was nice and free of debris in around an hour. Fast, great, friendly service! Would definitely recommend them!” 5 Star Yelp review from Jennie N of Anaheim, CA

If you have construction debris on your personal or commercial property right now, or expect to have some soon, give us a call at 949-424-9265 to set up your no-obligation free quote. OC Junk Hauling Company is licensed and insured.


Who Has the Best Home Parties in the World?


We don’t just have parties in the OC. We Have P-A-R-T-I-E-S !!! Beautiful weather. Sun & sand just outside our doorsteps. Or welcoming pools and decks in the back for guests to mingle. When you hear “party” you may think of fun and friends and free food — we think of a mess today, that we are going to clean up tomorrow because you called OC Junk Hauling yesterday.

After all, who wants to clean up after a little party, let alone a big party?

The problem is, sometimes a hauling company may feel like Indiana Jones when he said, “I don’t know, I’m making this up as I go.” How do you charge, let alone prepare, for a “mess” that doesn’t exist yet?

By calling upon EXPERIENCE! OC Junk Hauling has been there and done that. Our experts can provide a fair estimate by responses to our questionnaire, such as how many rooms will be in use and the amount of people you are inviting.

If you’re having a purely disposable party (sounds trashy, but if the party gets wild, you will thank us!), our team will be coming in the next day to haul away folding chairs, folding tables, table cloths, paper/plastic cups, plates, forks, and spoons.

And lots of plastic bags…..

We suggest you start bagging garbage in outer rooms, this way you can work your way toward the kitchen. It seems the most appropriate place to centralize the remnants of the night before. Take garbage out as soon as bags are filled and tied, to prevent accidental leaks and odors.

Speaking of odors and this may be a bit gross, but we have too say this. We don’t do bathrooms. We will take away the garbage from the bathroom, but you should be prepared to clean up lots of different messes in there. Our advice is buy an inexpensive (disposable) mop to clean up any vomit of urine stains on the floor. Then apply disinfectant for health safety. Top off with a good once-over using baby wipes to establish a fresh scent.

One other thing. You might not think of this until too late. Don’t leave any of your favorite wash cloths or towels in the bathroom. Pre-party purchase of some attractive but cheap towels will serve you well, as post-party you will want to just toss everything rather than washing.

As we said, lots and lots of bags for OC Junk Hauling to take away.

But, you will still have the memories of a great party!


What to Do When It Really is the Pool Table’s Fault


Fast & Easy Pool Table Removal

There it sits in your garage, or den room, or rec room. Your pool table. Lots of good memories of games and friends over the years. Years? But the table itself has seen better days… your patented “bank shot” doesn’t work as fine as it used to (well, it never was THAT great, but it worked sometimes). Seems there is a little lean to the right on the pool table. The green felt is faded and indented a little. And you’ve been looking on line at the fact that now you can also choose colors like, blue, black, gray, tan or red.

Time to upgrade sounds like a good idea. A quick call to OC Junk Hauling and we will be out to pick it up, take it away, and make room for your new pool table.

Considering moving it yourself to save money?

Usually pool tables weigh between 650 and 900 pounds, depending upon the size and model.

You most likely have a Regulation model, which means the table’s width is half of the overall length. 3.5’ by 7’or 4’ by 8’, or 4.5’ by 9’. The bigger the table— well let’s just say 2000 pounds is not out of the question.

Also consider that less expensive pool tables may have a hard wood top, weighing a couple of hundred pounds. Better tables will have either a one piece or 3-piece slate top which adds to the weight.

There are 8 (let’s repeat that, Eight) steps to disassemble a regulation model pool table if you wish to move it out of the house in parts. Check out this wiki DYI article.

  • Detach the pockets from the table. …
  • Remove the rail bolts underneath each rail. …
  • Remove the rails and pockets. …
  • Detach the felt from the slate bed. …
  • Remove the slate screws with a drill. …
  • Lift each slate and place to the side. …
  • Disassemble the frame. …
  • Transport the slate carefully…

Having second thoughts about moving a pool table yourself? That’s ok. We know what we are doing.

OC Junk Hauling is your trusted independent full-service junk removal company. We have been in the junk business for more than 10 years. We clean out homes, garages, storage sheds/lockers, attics, basements, or businesses of any size.

The junk we collect is always donated, recycled, or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way. If you’ve got junk, OC Junk Hauling can help! Call 949-424-9265.

Speaking of help, as for your bank shot….  {run quick video}




Lifting Boxes, Advice from Hauling Experts


Health advice from OC Junk Hauling

Moving from one home to another is a stressful enough thing without actually putting stress on your body. There is great temptation to save money and do it all yourself (packing, moving, hauling away what you don’t want anymore), and unless the hunks from the office ground crew want to come over and help, there is no need to pull a back muscle over the weekend lifting a box you thought had towels and instead had old garden tools to be thrown away.

OC Junk & Hauling offers not just “a bunch of moving guys” but a seasoned team of veterans who know the proper way to lift things and move from your house or apartment to the truck to be hauled away. Injuries slow down a job and are just bad for business, as well as most importantly are a staff safety issue.

But, what if you need to move boxes?

If you need to, for example, move boxes yourself out of the attic or out of a spare room, here are some basic tips from our seasoned staff of haulers.

  • Half squat position is considered most preferable for protecting the back when lifting. Knees are bent, and the back is kept straight and upright. Serves to evenly spread load onto both hands at either side or in front of the body.
  • Then move upward in a slow and steady motion. Your body needs to adjust to increased stress of lifting, so try to not lift heavy items hastily.

A muscle strain will happen when there is over-stretching of the muscle, or if there is a tear in it. Muscle fibers are most likely damaged.  And you’ve got what is well known as a muscle pull.

We aren’t doctors, but common experience calls for: some pain medication (like acetaminophen) to block pain signals from getting sent to the brain; and/or anti-inflammatory medication (ibuprofen/oral steroids) to reduce local inflammation causing the pain.


One other thing to mention, back muscle pain heals with time, anywhere from a few days up to 3-4 weeks. But if you are still suffering at the two-week mark you might want to touch base with your doctor.


Or, you can avoid some of this and call OC Junk Hauling. Once you’ve decided what needs to go with you and you’re happy with our free no-obligation estimate of what is not moving with you, all you need to do is sit back while our professional crew gets the job done! We do ALL the labor and loading of unwanted items, no matter where your items are located, and we clean up afterward, as well!  Call us at 949-424-9265.



Tips to Make Your Business Move Less Costly


Junk Hauling For A Relocating Business

Considering relocating your business somewhere else in Orange County? Expansion or better location? Congratulations! OC Junk Hauling stands ready to help with any office furniture you don’t take with you. Oh, you are taking it all? Are you sure that is wise?

Consider this: just like the juggler spinning the dishes, the more moving pieces you have, the more labor will be needed to get the job done. And since moving an office isn’t a one-person project, the more you must transport, the more it will cost you.

Ever wonder why retail stores slash prices before a move? To be nice to customers? Well, yes. But, also so they don’t need to spend money on expendable items that could instead generate income.

How big an office do you have?

To begin with, has the buzz word “paperless” avoided your filing system? Do you have files from 30 years ago? And your cabinets are just as old? Consider purging paperwork before the move and you might not need to pay for cabinets to go across the old hall, down the old steps, across the parking lot to the truck, then across the new parking lot, up the new steps and across the new hall.

Office moves based on the truckload average $500-$1,500 per load depending on the time it takes to load, the difficulty and the number of movers. Average truck rates are around $100 per hour per truck with three movers.

  • 1,500 square-foot office will range from $750-$4,500, depending on the amount of materials moved.
  • 3,000 square-foot office will range from $1,500 to $9,000 depending on not only the amount of materials but the extra furniture currently filling that space
  • 10,000 square-foot office will start in the $5,000 range and could reach $30,000 for companies with numerous employee workstations that need to be dismantled, moved and then put together again. As they say, time is money.

On the other hand, if it doesn’t disrupt operations, you could ask your office staff to pack up their own work areas during business hours. This will help you to avoid paying a crew to pack up your office outside of business hours ($.75 per square foot for packing your office).

When you’ve decided what moves with you and what stays, give us a call at (949)424-9265 for a free estimate and a follow up on site appraisal. OC Junk Hauling specializes in commercial and residential hauling. We work regularly with local real estate companies, schools, property management companies, and government agencies as well as non-profit organizations in all their junk removal and garbage hauling needs. We cannot accept any hazardous materials, such as paint and oil, but pretty much if you don’t want or need it anymore, we’ll clear it out for you.
