One person’s trash is another’s treasure. At no time is that truer than during the holiday season when unwanted toys cluttering up your child’s room or the garage could be recycled and upcycled. Toys your child has outgrown can be hauled away for a donation to a service agency.
Problem is getting your child to part with the toy. To help solve this dilemma, we searched the internet for processes that others said worked for them.
Child Convincing Choices
Anne, responding to this question in wrote that she initiated a conversation with her daughter about less fortunate kids who would give special love to her toys. Her daughter’s response was unique. “She came up with the idea of asking the toy itself (!) whether it would like to go and help another child have fun. We then had this rather amazing scene where she asked each toy and then listened to its (silent) response.”
Some toys were “eager” to go, others not so. “We were able to say goodbye to about half of them while respecting her emotional attachment, and she gained new compassion for others. The scene is one I’ll never forget!”
There are other worthwhile suggestions in the article on this web page.
Zina at the Let’s Lasso the Moon website suggests a clever psychological maneuver. Capitalize on the child appreciating “growing up” a little. Then select a toy more age-appropriate for a younger child. Then ask your kid, “Do you remember when you were a kindergartner and you used to play with this all the time? Should we give it to another four-year-old to enjoy?”
Amy Trager, a certified professional organizer, is quoted in as suggesting you begin giving your child some insight to clutter control. “Limit the space they have to store their toys,” she says. “Tell the child they can keep whatever toys fit into a certain bin, basket or toy chest.”
Now, we don’t think the suggestion refers to a container the size of a shoe box. Make it a good-sized box. But— when a new toy comes in, then something old and not popular must move to a donation box. It’s not being thrown away by you. It is just moving on to another child’s “in” box.
Clutter does not have to be old newspapers and dozens of half-empty paint cans. It can be composed of perfectly functional items such as unused— but still loved— toys. Teach your child during the holiday season that giving his/her toys away as a donation can be as much fun as receiving.
Then call OC Junk Hauling, we will remove swing sets, peddle cars, tricycles, and boxes of toys. Call 949-424-9265 for a free estimate.