Perform Your Own Halloween Magic: Make Junk Disappear


Junk Pickup All Over Orange County


Halloween is coming. Yay!  Lots of events for the entire family to attend in Orange County (see below). But first let’s all go to the attic, basement, garage or closets and dig out the old spiders, black cats, and other spooky decorations we’ve used on the house— year after year, after year! Or… maybe consider upgrading to new shapes and sounds and colors?

Tradition is great, but torn black cats and an orange pumpkin with dents in it most certainly reduce the fun effect. No decoration is going to last a lifetime (… unless it is haunted …).

Make Junk Disappear

Just before Halloween is the perfect time to dig around your property (house and yard) to clean up on decorations that are getting old & moldy in boxes. These mostly paper-based items can exist for only so long without getting dirty, broken, scratched, faded, or water damaged in damp basements and garages.

In fact, if you come across similarly wilting Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday decorations, throw them all into the junk pile.

Then call OC Junk Hauling and we will “magically” appear to make your unwanted items disappear! Not to scare you, but we offer same-day appointments and can work around most schedules! In fact, we schedule our appointments with a 2-hour time frame. Our driver will call 30 minutes before the team arrives to let you know that they are on their way.

Halloween Events in OC

Orange County may not be as spooky as the Witch City of Salem Ma or as haunted as Sleepy Hollow NY,  but Halloween here is also a great time with lots of events for adults and kids to attend.

If your neighborhood is not “Halloweeny” enough and you are looking for fun & safe places for the entire family to go trick-or-treating in Orange County, check out these websites. (Events are always subject to change , so call before driving out.)


OC Junk Hauling is family-owned & operated We are a fully insured, full-service junk removal and hauling company serving families and business throughout Orange County for over a decade. We provide 24/7 service to meet your junk hauling needs. Give us a call at 949-424-9265 for a free estimate.

We accept cash, personal checks, company checks, and all major credit cards. Sorry, no magic beans or eye of newt.








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