Taking Care of Household Hazardous Waste in OC Homes


What You Need To Know About Household Hazardous Waste Removal in Orange County

Hazardous waste is not just something faceless experts in hazmat suits deal with at nuclear power plants. The average U.S. household generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste per year. As much as 100 pounds can accumulate in the home, often remaining there until the residents move out or do an extensive cleanout.

You would be surprised how many times the OC Junk Hauling crew comes upon a pick-up project at a home or business in Orange County and finds items, such as batteries, paints, grease & rust solvents, oils, rat poisons, and pesticides just lying around. Under certain conditions, these could start fires or even have explosive potential.

This goes without saying, but how many times do you really read the instructions on things like drain cleaner or silver polish? The information is there to protect you on the proper use and storage of these and other chemical-based items. Store in a cool place? Store in a dark place? Store standing up only? Do you need to ventilate the area?

Advice from the EPA

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is charged with overseeing that “all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work.”

To that end, the EPA offers these directions in dealing with Household Hazardous Waste products.

  • Never store hazardous products in food containers; keep them in their original containers and never remove labels. Corroding containers, however, require special handling. Call your local hazardous materials official or fire department for instructions.


  • When leftovers remain, never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become unrecyclable.


  • Even empty containers of HHW can pose hazards because of the residual chemicals that might remain, so handle them with care also.



Don’t pour down the drain. If you take one bit of advice away from this article, refrain from the drain.

Pouring any of these following Household Hazardous Waste items down the drain or toilet, or even into storm sewers, can contaminate septic tanks or wastewater treatment systems. Certain types of HHW have the potential to cause physical injury to sanitation workers, so no throwing out with the trash.

  • Adhesives
  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries
  • Broken thermometers
  • Cosmetics
  • Drain Openers
  • Fuel injection and carburetor cleaners
  • Fungicides and wood preservatives
  • Grease and rust solvents
  • Household polishes and cleaners
  • Insecticides, herbicides, and rat poisons
  • Latex and oil-based paints
  • Lighter fluids
  • Nail polish and removers
  • Oven cleaners
  • Paint thinners and strippers
  • Used oil and oil filters
  • Wood and metal cleaners


While OC Junk Hauling does not handle HHW, according to the OC Waste & Recycling website, “Orange County residents can dispose of their Household Hazardous Waste items for FREE at any of the County’s four Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers.  Please note, the OC Hazardous Waste Collection Centers are not permitted to accept waste from businesses, churches, schools, non-profit organizations or government agencies, or from residents outside of Orange County. Additional HHW services may be available through your city.  Contact your city’s recycling coordinator to find out other ways to dispose of your HHW items in your community.”

For additional regulations, locations and contact info, go to the County website


Self-dumping of Appliances Is Hazardous to Your Health


Appliance Hauling in Orange County

Upgrading your appliances? Nice. Adds value to your house and can save you money when you switch to state-of-the art, more energy-efficient items. But, what do you do with the old appliances? You can’t just shove a microwave into a compact curbside trash can. You can’t just leave a refrigerator by that curb either— no, really you can’t without at least removing the door. That’s a law.

In fact, there are many local, state and Federal laws involved in dealing with your appliances when they leave your house to go out into the community. Hazardous components (Freon, foams, etc.) could affect the environment.

That is where OC Junk Hauling comes into the picture. Let us not only haul away your unwanted appliances but also navigate the regulatory roadway to environmentally dispose of/or recycle these items.

Let’s look at an appliance list

  • Air Conditioners
  • Clothes Dryers
  • De-humidifiers
  • Dishwashers
  • Freezers
  • Humidifiers
  • Microwaves
  • Refrigerators
  • Stoves
  • Washing Machines
  • Water Heaters
  • Trash Compactors


The first step is to unplug the items. Thank you. OC Junk Hauling will do the rest. Easy?

EPA, PCB, ODS, GHG and the OC

Now, if you plan to get rid of any of these items yourself, for example taking to a junk yard or landfill, (most standard garbage collecting operations will not collect/transport these items) there is more you would need to do.

Manually dismantle each appliance, which specifically involves removing the hazardous components. That’s all?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Federal law requires that all refrigerants be recovered prior to dismantling or disposal and that universal waste—including mercury—as well as used oil and PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl) be properly managed and stored.

Otherwise you are guilty (criminally where part of health & safety codes) of releasing PCBs, mercury, and used oils into the environment! Ouch!

For example, that old refrigerator which may look tired on the outside and not cool as well as it used to, is still filled with refrigerants and insulating foams which can emit ozone depleting substances (ODS) and greenhouse gases (GHG).

Specifically, if you have a pre-1990 model, it will usually contain an earlier version of Freon called R-12. This has since been found to be quite toxic and depletes the ozone layer. Modern-day Freon (also known as tetrafluoromethane) comes without ozone depleting substances.

But— and this is important to remember and why OC Junk Hauling stresses letting us do this work for you— that old Freon, the new Freon, and the anytime mercury, etc., are also powerful greenhouse gases (GHGs)! All of those chemicals contribute to negative climate change when sent into the atmosphere.

Environmentally safe removal and recycling begins & ends when you contact us for a free estimate. Just e-mail at info@ocjunkhauling.com. Or give us a call at 949-424-9265.

We offer same-day appointments and can work around most schedules.

Our uniformed professionals will visit your location to provide a speedy, affordable and fair quote. No obligation. If you are satisfied, we can immediately load and haul away your items or schedule a more convenient time for you.

OC Junk Hauling is a family owned & operated business based in Orange County, CA.


Commercial Closeouts, After the Doors Close

“Everything must go! Even the walls!! Close out sale.”

You’ve heard the announcer screaming at you from the TV or radio about a store going out of business or moving & looking to liquidate sales inventory. But, what happens to unsoldfixtures and office equipment?

Sometimes second-hand stores swoop in for pennies on the dollar. Sometimes they don’t. And that’s when OC Junk Hauling comes into the picture.

According to a Forbes.com article“Approximately 543,000 new businesses get started each month nationwide.”

But then, Small Biz trends.com reports that “A bit more than 50 percent of small businesses fail in the first four years.

There is no shame in having tried and failed. It can be a learning experience for next time. But in the meantime, if you are in such a position, “everything must go… even the walls…” you will need a professional team to work with you on vacating premises efficiently, thoroughly and — quickly.

Time to call OC Junk Hauling

Was it an office-oriented business? Do you have office furniture involving computers, desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc.? We can take these off your hands, and easily up cycle to users who will appreciate the value.

OC Junk Hauling also offers commercial foreclosure clean out services for landlords at all business locations, including restaurants and warehouses.

Let us get rid of old TVs, computers, monitors, printers, broken coffee makers, rusted office toasters and other old electrical items. We do the recycling for you. If any of the items are still in usable condition, donation to local charities is an option.

And of course, anything that you can classify as garbage, such as trash, rubbish, paper, cardboard, & cardboard boxes are part of our removal service.

If it really is an “all things must go” demolish & remodel situation, OC Junk Hauling can also remove the following construction materials: stucco, drywall materials, lumber materials, roofing materials, concrete, rock, brick, block, tile, remodeling debris, wood fencing, firewood, etc.

Serving the OC daily at the time that’s convenient for you!

Simply contact us for a free estimate. We offer same-day appointments and can work around most schedules.

Our uniformed professionals will come out to your location, provide you with an upfront and fair quote. If you are satisfied with the price, they can load and haul away your items right then & there or schedule a convenient time for you. If not, they will be on their way. There’s absolutely no obligation!

Just e-mail at info@ocjunkhauling.com. Or give us a call at 949-424-9265.


Give Your Business a Facelift by Removing Office Clutter


Stress free office junk removal in Orange County

OC Junk Hauling doesn’t just work with individuals.  We help businesses, as well.  One area that we’d like to touch on is clutter.  A business is judged by its aesthetics, and that means not only layout but also cleanliness and lack of clutter.   You can give your business a design face lift, simply by moving out those pieces which you no longer need.  Here’s why:

It Could Improve Your Energy

Feng Shui is a popular decorating style that is used by many interior designers to improve energy and appearance of a space.  Many California businesses have adopted these principles with what they believe is great results.  Feng Shui designs begin by removing clutter.  Clutter ads distraction and pulls down the energy flow of a room—or so they say.  While we’re not Feng Shui experts we do know that a cluttered space feels like the owner of that space is a cluttered person.  The same will be true of a business.  Businesses that have a lot of open space and are airy feel “cleaner” and more professional than those that have too much furniture, art, or knick-knacks.

Sending Mixed Signals

Beyond Feng Shui there is something to be said for subconscious impressions.  Walking into a professional space with either worn or outdated furniture will give the subconscious impression that your business is outdated or not doing well.  It is better to have less furniture for your guests, than furniture that is cracked or broken looking.

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

As junk removal experts we know a lot about hidden treasures.  Sometimes what you think is junk could be treasure for a nonprofit or poorer individual.  Your 3-year-old computer desks and laptops could help a nonprofit add another volunteer or give someone space to learn a new trade.  Your old couch that has a crack in the leather could be refurbished for a college grad or half-way house.

Improving Health

Over the years, furniture, art, and appliance can collect dangerous molds and dusts.  There is such a phenomenon as “Sick Building Syndrome”, where employees all routinely pass illnesses and issues through touching furniture, computers, or just breathing recycled air that has too much dust, pollen, or mold.  Removing old items every once in a while and giving the office a good cleaning can improve overall health.

There are plenty of good reasons to move that junk out of your space and we at OC Junk Hauling are more than happy to help.  We’ll not only remove it, but also work to find ways of recycling it wherever possible.  You will not only update your look, but also possible improve productivity and reduce sick days.  Everyone reacts positively to clean space.  Here is your opportunity to improve your corporate image and invigorate your employees and customers alike.
