Three Choices That Will Make Your Spring Cleaning A Success


What are the three most essential actions you can take in preparation for an efficient and productive Spring Cleaning? Choose to make a list. Choose to use your camera. Choose OC Junk Hauling to remove all your unwanted and unneeded goods.

Spring officially hits Orange County on March 20th. But before that date you will want to prepare for the mass exodus of things that have accumulated over the past year (…or years…)

Make a list

You can’t just wander around the house, acting like the Grim Reaper and deciding at the spur of the moment what stays and what goes — especially if you have a significant other. Toss the wrong thing away and you could be next to go out the door for Spring Cleaning.

Think of your house as the highway and each room an exit. You can only take one at a time. Make that your list. Which room will you both attack first. What are the criteria for that room? Presentation vs function. Out of style? Damaged? Gift from someone who is now persona non gratta (for like the millionth time— one time too many– he won’t let you forget that his Patriots got into the Super Bowl AGAIN and your fav CA team did not make it AGAIN).

Locate around the house any parts of that room that are in closets, storage or garage. Do they need to rejoin the room? If not, why still save them. “Maybe one day” has come and gone.

After you finish, sit down. Look around. Do you feel good? Ok, back on the Spring Cleaning highway and take the next exit.

Use your camera

Take pictures. Load them into your computer, notebook, or cell phone. They will last longer and be more portable than any old-style photo album. What are you taking pictures of? Things that are the Times of Your Life ( A wedding dress that is long out of style (unless it is a “classic” that has been handed down). Kids clothes that you saved for the kids, but they really don’t want for their kids because, again… styles!!! Toys. Drawings. Class projects (lop-sided birdhouse). Skinny jeans one of you used to fit in (… “and you are still as lovely today dear” … — remember what we said about not getting tossed out with the trash?)

Choose OC Junk Hauling

Let us know exactly what you want hauled away, and we will give you a free, no-obligation Spring Cleaning estimate: Beds, mattresses, sofas, sofa beds, tables, chairs, dressers, bookcases, books, clothing, lamps, file cabinets, armoires, weird gifts, and old/broken electronics (TV’s, VCR’s, computers, printers, monitors, copy machines, stereos, etc.).

All you need to do after that is to sit back while the professional OC Junk Hauling crew gets the job done! We do ALL the labor and loading, no matter where your items are located, and we clean up afterward, too! Give us a call today at (949)424-9265. We look forward to doing business with you during Spring Cleaning or any season.


This is Why You Need OC Junk Hauling to Take Away Unwanted Mattresses


Mattress Haul Away In Orange County

Each year, less than 5% of mattresses are recycled, even though up to 90% of the components can be recycled.  Your worthless mattress could be used to create carpet padding, animal bedding, mulch, and more. Unfortunately, much of a mattress and its contents end up in landfills or illegally dumped on curbsides, imposing significant management costs on local governments and taxpayers (that’s you!)

You didn’t know that? OC Junk Hauling drivers & crew, having traveled from north to south and east to west in Orange County, do. We are experts at quickly & cleanly getting the mattress, box spring, frames, pillows, etc. up and out of your home, so you can make room for the new replacements.

But, when exactly should you replace the mattress?

The Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every 7-10 years, depending on comfort and support. The truth is that the life of a mattress varies wildly, which depends on how you take care of it, how you sleep on it and how often you rotate it.

Did you catch that last word? Rotate. You have heard this myth: A mattress should be flipped every few months to keep it in good condition. Wrong. Most mattresses today are made one-sided, which means they should never be flipped. Just rotate your mattress monthly for the first 6 months and quarterly after that.

While we are on the subject of myths…. It’s against the law to remove the law tag on your mattress.

The warning against removing the law tag of your new mattress can be intimidating.  The Restonic mattress company advises, “The truth is that once you’ve bought the mattress and it’s in your home, you can do whatever you want with it. But if you ever need to file a warranty claim, it needs to be attached to the mattress because it contains critical information that will help the manufacturer process your claim.”

As one of the leading companies when it comes to mattress pickup and disposal, OC Junk Hauling operates in strict adherence with the Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act of the State of California. Needless to say, the best, safest, most reliable, most affordable, and most eco-friendly method of doing away with your old mattress is to book an appointment with OC Junk Hauling. We offer efficient & quick mattress pickup and removal services, and make sure that your old mattress does not end up in a landfill in Orange County, or anywhere else.

U.S. residents, businesses, universities, and others discard over 50,000 mattresses each day—that’s up to 20 million annually. You don’t want to be part of that staggering statistic. Call OC Junk Hauling at (949)424-9265.


4 Reasons Why People in the OC Should Consider a Sports Cave


OC Junk Hauling – The Champion of Junk Removal

The New England Patriots did not win another Super Bowl. But, to many Tom Brady is still the GOAT. Yada yada yada. Here in California, especially in the OC, we are already looking forward to NEXT National Football League season. And with visions of Super Bowl LIII dancing in our heads, many a “man cave” (or just sport cave) may be getting a makeover to proudly showcase Los Angeles Rams or Los Angeles Charger paraphernalia (or shhhh, more quietly, Oakland Raider or San Francisco 49er stuff — we won’t tell).

Next year sizes up to be a West Coast season for the NFL and you want to be ready to entertain every Sunday (and maybe a Monday and Thursday?) That means new furniture. New carpet. New widescreen, surround sound TV.

Just look at the records. In the NFC West, our Los Angeles Rams, led by quarterback Jared Goff were in first place with an 11-5 record. No reason to doubt that they won’t be as good if not better next season. But, at 6-10 the 49ers looked pathetic in last place— until you consider new arrival QB, Jimmy G won all 5 games he started. The same team that lost 10 games. He probably can’t repeat that blistering record, but let’s give him 11-5 or 12-4 as the 49ers build/draft/trade around him during the offseason (assuming they sign him before he drifts away in free agency). A lot to root for in this division.

Then there is the AFC West. Our other hometown team, the Chargers came in 2nd place with a 9-7 record behind the 10-6 Kansas City Chiefs who were led by veteran Alex Smith this year (rumor mill has it he might be on his way out to be replaced by new blood and that might make 10-6 a shaky repeat). Had the Chargers been victorious in one more game, they would be 10-6 as well. Room at the top could be crowded. And then there are the Oakland Raiders who finished in 3rd place with a dismal 6-10 record. Look for that to quite possibly reverse next season with a healthy Derek Carr at QB and Chucky back (recently hired coach Jon Gruden)!

Looks like the OC vs the Bay area! And it all means great California rivalries. So how can OC Junk Hauling help you support your local teams?

We can take away whatever is blocking the door (so to speak) to the entrance of your sports cave.

Where will it be? “Cave” is just a name. It could be in the basement. In the attic. In the garage. Wherever you put it, make sure it is soundproof, to not irritate other family members or neighbors. Make sure there are enough outlets for computers, tablets, cell phones. They are as much a part of 21st century sports watching for your guests as a refrigerator for beer and a microwave for nachos.

And when you get finished making room for all the sports pictures, posters, games, etc. to give the place atmosphere, OC Junk Hauling is a phone call away at (949)424-9265. We offer same-day appointments and can work around most schedules (sorry can’t guarantee we will be there, say during halftime, but we do schedule our appointments within a 2-hour time frame).

From carpet to old chairs to shelves to old sporting equipment, we will tackle the job of picking up and taking away whatever does not fit your needs anymore. Seven days a week, we are sitting on the bench, ready to be a part of your special team.




Picture All Your Storage Unit Contents Back in Your Home! Time to Declutter


Declutter Your Storage Unit with Our Junk Removal Service

Home to the unwanted items that you will “get to later,” the off-property storage unit stands as a great helper. And a worse enabler. Instead of “getting rid of stuff” from the house, the storage unit– misused– tricks you into moving that pile of unwanted items from your home to another place. One that you end up paying extra for.

At OC Junk Hauling, we have helped people who haven’t seen the inside of their storage unit in years, as well as folks who visit their “stuff” every week to add more.  Stop. Just stop. What are you doing? Picture where those boxes, etc. might go if you brought them back into the house eventually– that is why you are saving them, right?

Where would they go? Consider this, if you haven’t needed them for the last two years, do you really need them? The old lamp without the lampshade. Your very first microwave. The electric fan with the frayed cord. The blow dryer that sounds like a jumbo jet.

Yes, we understand there are also mountains of memories in those piles of boxes. First-grade drawings by the kids. Favorite toys. Fading ticket stubs from special dates. Cute clothing that fits no one anymore but evokes warm and toasty visions of days gone by. Consider bringing technology in to assist. Grab your cell phone. Take pictures or make a video of the items. Download to your computer or tablet for posterity. There when you want to look at them, no matter where you are or whom you are with.

Then, as we have suggested in past blogs set up three boxes. Keep. Donate. Throw Away. If you think the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, (meaning you will overfill the first and underfill the last) then bring along an impartial friend or two to assist in the project. Strength in numbers.

Once you’ve started the project, give us a call at (949)424-9265. OC Junk Hauling is ready to serve you seven days a week.

After you’ve decided what needs to go and you’re happy with our free no- obligation estimate, all you need to do is sit back while our professional crew gets the job done! We do ALL the labor and loading, no matter where your items are located, and we clean up afterward, as well!

We will haul away your unwanted items from the first box. As for the second box, you can deliver the still good-for-use items to agencies of your choosing, or we can take off your hands and donate them to agencies we work with in the community.

You may also still have items to be stored. But, all things being equal, if you removed 2/3rds of the contents, then you should be able to drop down in unit size. And that will save you money each month.

OC Junk Hauling is a family-owned business serving our customers in Orange County, CA


Things for You to Do & See, Valentine’s Day in the OC


Junk Removal For Valentine’s Day Gift? Trust OC Junk Hauling To Do The Job!

Creatures of habit that we are, Valentine’s Day often repeats itself year after year with flowers and chocolates. Not that there is anything wrong with those symbols of love, but it’s 2018, live a little and remember you live in Orange County!!! Do something a bit unusual. Here at OC Junk Hauling— yes we can be romantics too— have a list for you compiled from current & recent area blogs about things to do in the OC.

Going to Dinner involves drinking in the atmosphere, as well as eating the food. In the OC, dinner does not necessarily mean it must be on dry land. There are restaurants a plenty but there are also romantic cruises. We do have a lot of water around us.

Orange County Valentine’s Day Dining & Events Guide

Romantic interludes, as we said above, don’t have to involve flowers, chocolates or even dinner. Orange County offers a lot or romantic getaways that you can do anytime of the year, but they really stand out on Valentine’s Day. From the beach to the water. From a gondola ride to a sunset helicopter ride.

Romantic Things to Do in Orange County

And if you really, really want to get away from it all to spend private time with your sweetie, and you are the outdoors type, then has the OC got something for you. There are hiking trails.

Valentine’s Day Hiking Trails – Romantic Outdoor Activities for Couples!

But, let’s say you want to do something non-traditional to go with the traditional flowers and chocolates (or… you forgot to buy something…) how about an offer to clean up THAT spare room, attic, basement, garage section, or tool shed that was once a dream but now looks like a nightmare. You might be surprised to find you have a laundry room or sewing room that could double as a hobby room or home office for sweetie-pie.

And that’s when you call your loveable friends at OC Junk & Hauling. Be it old bicycles that you were going to fix but never did, or clothes you were going to donate sometime but never did, we will pick it all up and take away before Valentine’s Day. We can work with you on time to even do it when your honey is not home, so it will be a surprise! We offer free estimates, same day service, 7 days a week!

We are a locally owned, family business serving the OC for ten years. We clean out homes, garages, storage sheds/lockers, attics, basements of any size. What we collect is always donated, recycled, or disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.

OC Junk Hauling is a phone call away at (949)424-9265


January Is National Hobby Month


Let Your Hobby Shine With OC Junk Hauling

Hobbies can take up as much or as little time as you wish to put into them. They can also take up more room than you planned. Where do you “do your thing” in your home? Roll out and then remove from the kitchen table? On top of some boxes in the garage next to an old lawnmower? A heavy box that slides out from under the bed?

According to a 2016 “Ask Your Target Market” survey “56% of respondents said that they have multiple hobbies. 24% said they just have one real hobby that they practice or participate in regularly.”  If 80% of people in a random survey indicate involvement with a hobby, that’s a fairly serious indicator that hobbies are an important aspect of non-work life and deserving of designated spaces in your home.

And when you talk about designated craft-oriented spaces in your home, OC Junk Hauling suggests you look no further than Martha Stewart for tips!

How to Design the Ultimate Craft Room

“Every avid crafter needs a space that allows their creativity to flow free,” explains Martha. In a 12-step slide show that you should check out, she offers tips that apply specifically to crafts, but generally also can meet the needs of other hobbies, from collecting thimbles to fishing.

For example, let’s say that after all is said and done, you just can’t turn an entire room into hobby central. What about a corner? You know, the corner with THAT plant which has seen better days, or an ugly lamp you never liked? What can you fit into a corner of a living room, laundry room or garage? Check out slide #3 where Martha suggests a corner desk.It is a piece of furniture designed to slot into that 90-degree angle (also known as an “L desk”).

Put a cabinet hutch on top, as she suggests in slide #10.Now you have plenty of places to store & locate glue, catalogs, stamp folders, thimbles, fishing lures, trading cards, etc.

Other Suggestions

We mentioned the garage earlier. If you are working in a tight space between boxes, glue a magnetic strip to the wall.Then strategically hang scissors or any other metal tool your hobby requires. Nothing magnetic?Then go with a piece of Peg-Board and hooks!

OC Junk Hauling can help you with your corner of the hobby world. When you’re ready to bring in that corner desk, we are just a phone call away (949)424-9265 to remove the plant, ugly lamp, old lawn mower and whatever else that is getting in the way of your creative expression. In fact, you can book your appointment in under a minute and we offer same day junk removal.




Getting a Clean Start for the New Year


Declutter for the New Year with OC Junk Hauling

New Year’s Resolutions. Many people make them. Fewer keep them. It’s all a matter of taking back control of your life in the “resolution area.” For example, resolve to commit to declutter your house for the new year. And here is a little incentive for you: January has been designated as “Get Organized Month” by the National Association of Professional Organizers. It’s an annual event to motivate people to “take control of their time, tasks and possessions.”

You aren’t the only one in this cluttered boat— or rather, house!

Just look at that guest room closet. Is that where all unwanted sweaters, shoes, books, magazines, etc. have gone to hide from everyday sight? You’ve lost control. And then there is the garage or basement. Let’s not even go there? No, you need to go there.

Declutter House Tips

By avoiding these home problem areas, you’ve given them control of your house. Be large & in charge, commit to declutter by taking any extra time you find during the traditionally slow days of early January to downsize your overflowing boxes of stuff.

Really, if it’s in a box, in a closet or under other boxes in the garage or basement, how much do you really need the item?

You can fully declutter in a month, just take one box a day. Go through it. Put each item in either:

  •  Keep
  •  Throw Away
  •  Maybe


Just one box a day. You will feel such a sense of accomplishment. That’s your secret declutter house plan: go through a box a day. Hopefully, it won’t take more than a week (or two?).For the rest of the month try to reduce the “Maybe” box(es?).

And then you will be ready to call OC Junk Hauling  (949)424-9265 for us to remove the physical representations of you taking back control of your life and house. Once you’ve decided what needs to go and you’re happy with our free no- obligation estimate, all you need to do is sit back while our professional crew gets the job done!

You’ve already done the hard part!

Those unwanted household items such as clothing, kitchen appliances, books, furniture, etc. will be picked up and wherever possible recycled or upcycled to function as useful items for someone else.We are extremely eco-friendly and take great pride in creating a clean and environmentally friendly California.

The OC Junk Hauling team does ALL the labor and loading, no matter where your items are located, and we clean up afterwards, too!

We accept most major credit cards, check or cash for your convenience. Check out our website for more details.



Taking Care of Household Hazardous Waste in OC Homes


What You Need To Know About Household Hazardous Waste Removal in Orange County

Hazardous waste is not just something faceless experts in hazmat suits deal with at nuclear power plants. The average U.S. household generates more than 20 pounds of household hazardous waste per year. As much as 100 pounds can accumulate in the home, often remaining there until the residents move out or do an extensive cleanout.

You would be surprised how many times the OC Junk Hauling crew comes upon a pick-up project at a home or business in Orange County and finds items, such as batteries, paints, grease & rust solvents, oils, rat poisons, and pesticides just lying around. Under certain conditions, these could start fires or even have explosive potential.

This goes without saying, but how many times do you really read the instructions on things like drain cleaner or silver polish? The information is there to protect you on the proper use and storage of these and other chemical-based items. Store in a cool place? Store in a dark place? Store standing up only? Do you need to ventilate the area?

Advice from the EPA

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is charged with overseeing that “all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live, learn and work.”

To that end, the EPA offers these directions in dealing with Household Hazardous Waste products.

  • Never store hazardous products in food containers; keep them in their original containers and never remove labels. Corroding containers, however, require special handling. Call your local hazardous materials official or fire department for instructions.


  • When leftovers remain, never mix HHW with other products. Incompatible products might react, ignite, or explode, and contaminated HHW might become unrecyclable.


  • Even empty containers of HHW can pose hazards because of the residual chemicals that might remain, so handle them with care also.



Don’t pour down the drain. If you take one bit of advice away from this article, refrain from the drain.

Pouring any of these following Household Hazardous Waste items down the drain or toilet, or even into storm sewers, can contaminate septic tanks or wastewater treatment systems. Certain types of HHW have the potential to cause physical injury to sanitation workers, so no throwing out with the trash.

  • Adhesives
  • Antifreeze
  • Batteries
  • Broken thermometers
  • Cosmetics
  • Drain Openers
  • Fuel injection and carburetor cleaners
  • Fungicides and wood preservatives
  • Grease and rust solvents
  • Household polishes and cleaners
  • Insecticides, herbicides, and rat poisons
  • Latex and oil-based paints
  • Lighter fluids
  • Nail polish and removers
  • Oven cleaners
  • Paint thinners and strippers
  • Used oil and oil filters
  • Wood and metal cleaners


While OC Junk Hauling does not handle HHW, according to the OC Waste & Recycling website, “Orange County residents can dispose of their Household Hazardous Waste items for FREE at any of the County’s four Household Hazardous Waste Collection Centers.  Please note, the OC Hazardous Waste Collection Centers are not permitted to accept waste from businesses, churches, schools, non-profit organizations or government agencies, or from residents outside of Orange County. Additional HHW services may be available through your city.  Contact your city’s recycling coordinator to find out other ways to dispose of your HHW items in your community.”

For additional regulations, locations and contact info, go to the County website


Charity Starts at Home: Illumination Foundation


Combating Homelessness Through Junk Hauling

As we come upon the Holiday Season, gift giving heads up many a to-do list. In the second of a 4-part series of blogs, we at OC Junk Hauling would like to introduce you to a few charities that we interact with daily when we take your unwanted “trash” and recycle or upcycle it into “treasures.” We hope you will consider adding these local charities to your lists.

Illumination Foundation – Breaking The Cycle Of Homelessness

Over 55,000 people are homeless in Southern California each year. And as bad as that figure is, this is even more devastating: In Orange County, over 32,000 children are unstably housed, with 1 in 4 kids living below the poverty line. In the OC???

Illumination Foundation works to break the cycle of homelessness by assessing clients to identify needs and provide immediate relief when necessary, followed by the care that combines housing, case management, medical care, mental health and workforce services to decrease community dependency.

Since July 2008, Illumination Foundation has worked tirelessly to break the cycle of homelessness for Southern California’s most vulnerable populations by offering a low-entry threshold to access health and housing stability, with a focus on families and those with chronic health conditions.
In fact, 84% of every dollar donated to the Illumination Foundation goes directly to aid homeless and at-risk families and children in our community.

Donation info: Donate

Should YOU need help: Reach out to us


Charity Starts at Home: Laura’s House



As we come upon the Holiday Season, gift giving heads up many a to-do list. In the third of a 4-part series of blogs, we at OC Junk Hauling would like to introduce you to a few charities that we interact with daily when we take your unwanted “trash” and recycle or upcycle it into “treasures.” We hope you will consider adding these charities to your lists.

Laura’s House

Ending The Cycle Of Domestic Violence

Adolescent dating abuse is disturbingly common in Orange County; 1 in 4 adolescents (girls and yes, even boys) is in a physically abusive relationship. That means that 1 in 4 of your children’s friends today is being hurt by a partner.

Laura’s House is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of Adolescent Dating Abuse, which is a pattern of behavior used to control and intimidate an adolescent partner. It includes but is not limited to hitting, yelling, threatening, name-calling, and any form of emotional or sexual abuse. It can happen to adolescents at any age, no matter their level of education or economic background. Dating violence can also occur in same-sex relationships, friendships, current or former partners.

To address this widespread issue, Laura’s House offers a free educational program for students: “H.E.A.R.T. – Healthy Emotions & Attitudes in Relationships Today” is an interactive workshop to prevent adolescent dating abuse and get people to see the red flags.

Nearly 80% of girls who have been physically abused in their intimate relationships continue to date their abuser. Why?

Victims of Adolescent Dating Abuse often experience shame and embarrassment. Their self-esteem has been crushed little by little by the abuser. They may also not be prepared for everyone in the social circle to learn about the abuse. There are many reasons why victims don’t “leave” – leaving often doesn’t mean the violence will end.

Donation of money, time, skills: Get Involved

If YOU need help now: call 24 Hours / 7 Days a Week Toll Free Hotline at (866) 498-1511.
